My wife and I picked these up on Thursday

Blue said:

Jordan said:
Look good, not a fan of the red but you will love them.

Everyone we know has said they like my wife’s (red) better. Lol.

I had a black so nice when cleaned but winter salt so dirty. I wanted the metallic blue but Canada had silver, red, black, and white.

Blue said:

Jordan said:
Look good, not a fan of the red but you will love them.

Everyone we know has said they like my wife’s (red) better. Lol.

I have the exact one in red and love it! Lots of compliments.

That’s the model trim to get!
Mine is silver, but I was also torn about getting the white. They use salt on the roads here, so I need the dark colors. Make your car look like a pretzel during the winter. But that is a really nice red! Congrats!

Congratulations! And safe ride.

Like grocery shopping :confused:.

Morgan said:
Like grocery shopping :confused:.

It’s work for me. :ok_hand:

Bet they were heavy!

Fane said:
Bet they were heavy!

Yeah, my arms are pretty sore.

Nice. What was the OTD?

Nice gifts to each other!

And yet you won’t show photos of your biceps? :sweat_smile: Congrats on the purchases! :heart_eyes:

Hopefully you cashed em out.

Great choice and you are lucky if you can buy these cars. How does it cost for a month?

Congrats and enjoy the new rides!