Wondering about these circles on my windshield?

I bought a new CR-V in March last year and I still see these circles on my windshield. I think they come from the glass installation process and have been there since I got the car. You can only see them when the sun hits them the right way. There’s another one to the right of this one. Should I be worried about this? It does not really affect visibility but I never noticed something like this on my Accord and it stands out especially at dusk. It feels strange that it is still there after 10,000 miles.

I had similar marks in my CR-V. It took a lot of scrubbing inside to get them off. I used microfiber cloths and Invisible Glass.

Elliot said:
I had similar marks in my CR-V. It took a lot of scrubbing inside to get them off. I used microfiber cloths and Invisible Glass.

Invisible Glass is a lifesaver

Those marks are probably from the suction cups. Have you really scrubbed your glass? I bet they would come off pretty easily.

Edit: Looking again, it seems you really need to clean your glass inside and out.

I had patterns like that too, but they went away with a lot of cleaning. I still see some patterns when I wash the windows. What I can’t get rid of are the tiny defects inside the glass. When the sun shines right, the windshield sparkles like crazy. I think those are tiny bubbles in the laminate that scatter the light. Poor windshield quality maybe? I have a 2025 Sport-L.

Brake cleaner could help with that

I have the same problem but mine has little squares all over the front window and a big circle on the sunroof

I have those too. I’ve washed my windows by hand and gone through many car washes but they won’t go away. They seem to be between the layers of glass.

Eli said:
I have those too. I’ve washed my windows by hand and gone through many car washes but they won’t go away. They seem to be between the layers of glass.

I got mine to clear up with some Windex

Eli said:
I have those too. I’ve washed my windows by hand and gone through many car washes but they won’t go away. They seem to be between the layers of glass.

Between the glass? That’s funny. I used some Dawn dish soap with water and it worked great.

I’ve done that inside and out and they’re still there. The guy at the dealership said they are between the glass layers from when they were made.

Eli said:
I have those too. I’ve washed my windows by hand and gone through many car washes but they won’t go away. They seem to be between the layers of glass.

Thanks, I’m relieved to know I’m not the only one dealing with this

Eli said:
I have those too. I’ve washed my windows by hand and gone through many car washes but they won’t go away. They seem to be between the layers of glass.

Usually those marks are on the inside

Eli said:
I have those too. I’ve washed my windows by hand and gone through many car washes but they won’t go away. They seem to be between the layers of glass.

When you say between the glass, do you mean on the inside? Cleaning the inside of your windshield should fix this. If you’re unsure how, just visit a full-service car wash.

It’s interesting to see the difference in quality control between Japan and other places where CR-Vs are made. You wonder about the standards when they roll off the production lines in Indiana, Ohio, or Canada. Probably not the same as in Europe. It’s a shame because everyone deserves to take pride in their work and ensure the glass is checked before installation. I’d guess there’s a quality check in the glass factory, but if they’re just pushing outsourced parts with a ‘Passed’ label, they might just toss it on without a second look.